How to Take Full Advantage of the 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy


6 minute read

Congratulations! You made it to the second trimester! You’re getting into the swing of pregnancy life, but may still have questions about what to expect during these next three months. 

We’ve got you covered! Read on to get fully prepared for this next season of pregnancy. 

When Does the 2nd Trimester Begin?

Your second trimester begins once you hit your 4th month of pregnancy — around week 13 or 14. The exact week depends on how many weeks your provider considers “full term” — usually 38-40 weeks.

This trimester is often a welcome relief for many expecting parents as some of the unpleasant pregnancy symptoms of the 1st trimester will begin to subside. You’re likely to experience decreased nausea, better sleep patterns and an increased energy level.

And this is an exciting time when your pregnancy will begin to feel more real as you tell more family and friends that you’re expecting! 

How Many Weeks is the 2nd Trimester?

The 2nd trimester is the middle three months of your pregnancy — months 4, 5, and 6 — or weeks 13-27. The exact number of weeks can vary from provider to provider. 

These three months are an amazing time of growth for your little one. You’ll start to see more changes take place in your body as your uterus and baby continue to develop and grow!

What to Expect in the 2nd Trimester for Your Baby’s Growth

Your baby is very busy during the 2nd trimester! One of the most exciting things is feeling your baby’s first movements. As early as 16 weeks you may be able to feel little flutters or butterflies in your tummy. You’ll begin to sense these movements anywhere during weeks 16-26 — but most parents feel movement around 20 weeks. 

And as your baby gains strength and coordination you’ll be able to feel their little arms and legs give coordinated jabs and kicks! 

Another exciting development for your baby is their ability to hear! That’s right! Their first sounds will be those inside your body like — your heart beating, blood rushing through the uterus and umbilical cord, and even your stomach growling! 

But as they near the third trimester — usually around weeks 25-26 — they’ll be able to recognize sounds outside your body like your voice and even familiar music. 

You may be wondering how loud you have to be for your baby to hear you… Well, just imagine that all the sounds they hear are muted by half. Sounds are muffled to your baby because they’re surrounded by amniotic fluid and all the layers of your body!

What to Expect in the 2nd Trimester for Moms/Expecting Parents

You may begin to experience some new sensations as your belly continues to grow and certain pregnancy hormones continue to rise. Let’s take a look at some of the most common changes taking place in your body. 

Top Second Trimester Symptoms of Pregnancy

  • Second Trimester Headaches

Headaches are one of the most common pregnancy symptoms. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, getting lots of rest, and taking time to relax. Avoid pain relievers during pregnancy, but if you really need relief, talk to your doctor to learn about the best options available. 

  • Second Trimester Cramping, Achiness, or Slight Pains

Cramps and aches in your lower belly are a normal part of the second trimester. As your belly and uterus continue to grow, this puts pressure on the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Often your round ligament muscle cramps a bit as it stretches to support your growing body. 

This stretching can feel like minor cramps, dull aches, or even sharp stabs of pain. To relieve these aches, try taking a warm bath, change positions, and practice relaxation techniques. 

  • Second Trimester Back Pain

Supporting the extra weight of your growing belly is a big job! Your back, pelvis, and even hips, may start to ache a bit from the extra pressure. Make sure you’re helping to support your back with good posture — try sitting up straight and using a chair that has good back support. You can also sleep with a pillow between your legs for extra support. 

If you’re still uncomfortable, consider asking your partner for a light massage or treat yourself to a prenatal massage. 

You may also experience:

  • Breast enlargement
  • Swelling of your ankles and feet
  • Leg cramps
  • Sensitive gums
  • Nasal congestion
  • Dizziness
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Skin changes like spider or varicose veins, stretch marks, or hemorrhoids

Call Your Doctor if You Experience Second Trimester Spotting or Bleeding

It’s always good to check if the amount and type of bleeding you’re experiencing is normal. Don’t wait until your next prenatal visit to tell your doctor about this symptom. Call them right away. 

These additional symptoms could be a sign that something is off and you should alert your healthcare provider immediately: 

  • Severe abdominal pain or cramping
  • Bleeding
  • Severe dizziness
  • Rapid weight gain 
  • Jaundice
  • Vomiting
  • A lot of sweating

Is Second Trimester Nausea a Thing? 

Morning sickness usually goes away by the end of the first trimester. But for some expecting parents, the unpleasantness may not subside. Not only is this uncomfortable, continuous nausea and vomiting can cause dehydration, keep you from eating the calories you and your baby need, and even prevent you from working or taking part in normal daily life activities. 

If you continue to experience nausea into your second trimester and you feel that the lifestyle and home remedies you’ve tried aren’t making a difference. Talk to your healthcare provider. They may be able to identify a nutrient deficiency or recommend an anti nausea medication. 

What Your Second Trimester Weight Gain Will Look Like…

Hopefully you’ll be feeling better in your 2nd trimester. Your appetite should return — bye bye nausea! — and start to grow. But remember your body only needs around 300-500 extra calories each day. And you should get an extra boost of energy which is great for gentle exercise — or nesting around the house! 

Second Trimester To-do’s: 

Take advantage of that extra energy to tackle some of the important items on your to-do list. Your future self will thank you! Once you’re in your third trimester you may not have the energy to get off the couch, let alone tackle a long list of tasks!

The top three items on your list? Eating well, getting regular exercise, and lots and lots of rest!

Here are some other to-do’s that will help you feel confident and prepared as you enter the 3rd trimester: 

  • Prepare for more prenatal testing and monitoring: Ask your care provider what to expect in the weeks ahead. At each checkup, your healthcare provider will measure your weight, size of your uterus, height of your fundus (top of your uterus) and your baby’s heartbeat. 

Most likely you’ll also get a second ultrasound, glucose screening, and more genetic testing. Knowing about these options in advance will allow you to ask questions and make informed decisions about your care. 

  • Sleep on your side: the weight of your growing uterus puts pressure on the vena cava — the vein bringing blood from your legs back up to your heart. This can interfere with your circulation and may even cause dizziness. 
  • Take bump shots and get some maternity clothes: It can be so much fun to watch your ever-growing belly! Be sure to take lots of pictures along your pregnancy journey. But you’re probably starting to outgrow your normal clothes. Invest in a few maternity staples to help you feel more comfortable!
  • Create a baby registry: You may be realizing all the things that you’re going to need for your nursery and to care for your newborn baby. Putting together a registry is a great way to consolidate your list of needs. Send it out to family and friends that want to support you by giving a gift!

The Babies in Bloom Boutique has carefully sourced mom and expert-tested products for all stages of pregnancy and infancy. Save yourself hours of endless research — we’ve selected the best products and you can chat directly with our experts to find what will work best for you! Shop the boutique today! 

  • Look into childbirth classes: There are tons of great childbirth classes to choose from. Start looking into different methods and options that will fit your unique needs and desires for your birth. At Babies in Bloom we have lots of great classes from Newborn Care 101, to a Childbirth Refresher, to our weekly Lactation Lounge. Check out our calendar here
  • Decide where you want to give birth and what your birth team will look like: Are you thinking of a hospital? Birth Center? At home? Start looking into your options now to give you plenty of time to make the decision that’s right for you. 

And think about who you’ll want with you at your birth. An OB/GYN? Midwife? Doula? Family member or friend? Being surrounded by a loving, supportive team will help you to feel comfortable and relaxed — which can make a world of difference for your labor! 

Do you need personalized support along your journey? After years of working with parents and teaching students, it’s our absolute joy to help you prepare for the arrival of your little one. Learn more about how Babies in Bloom can help you today! 

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